Thursday 4 September 2014

The 5th Standard

The Fifth Standard

Now, we arrived in a new standard, a new atmosphere, everyone thinking of us to be matured and ready to take on life's challenges!
We were assigned a new teacher who had just joined the school, a Gujarati mam, who only understood Gujarati but what she didn't know is that she understood us too.

The New Madam

Okay, the new teacher's name was 'Chanda Dave'. We were assigned her class, she taught us Gujarati, trying to get us fluent in our regional language, trying extremely hard to fit in with the other teachers. She was an angel in human form, the most politest and caring teacher we've ever had till date. She even scolded us but in a a motherly way, which made us what we are now, improving and nurturing. The regular Gujarati periods were a joy to be in, laughing, chittering, throwing paper planes, getting scolded for it, laughing again. We were allowed to be adult young 'uns in her period. 

A Lot To Give

She was the one who gave us a whole lot of stuff to think about, brainstorm around and present with ideas we'll be thinking in all our Engineering Colleges and Medical ones too! We found out her birthdate and threw her a surprise party by decorating our class by staying in late and when the next day arrived, she was surprised and had tears of joy in her eyes, the happiest moment of my life! ^_^ 
When we passed the 5th standard, we came to know that, Chanda Mam was leaving so we threw her a farewell party and that was when I found my second mother when she referred to us by saying, "I Love You my children!"

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