Wednesday 3 September 2014

Let The 3rd Standard Begin

The New Teacher (Cont. :P)

My bestie had now drifted away, we hardly saw each other, talked even less. I was a smart and the 'Good Guy' so I made new friends quite quick! I started hanging out with my new buddies, eating the tasty Nashta of the Kitchen, our heaven on Earth! (Gotta change the topic now, Nostalgic powers doing their evil job! xD)

Soon, we started hearing talks about a proxy teacher who was phenomenally gifted! Helpful, Funny, Intelligent, the perfect teacher!

The First Encounter

Now, our class teacher had ran out of chalks, so she sent me to get some from the class beside ours. I was more than happy to go out of the class, have a short walk in the open, wind blowing in my ears, I walk in the class beside mine.

I asked the mam's permission to enter the class and went in after a gentle "Ha Aa Jaie". It was the PROXY TEACHER! I got on with my job and asked the mam for the chalks and her reply was "Jee Jaroor, Le Jaie" with a kind smile! Nobody had ever referred to me as 'Jee' ever before. I took the chalks and left quickly! I was in the 7th heaven! I was treated as an adult, respected. That's all a person could ever need!

The Next Standard

We finally passed the 3rd standard and I was delighted because I was assigned to Neelam Mam's class. She was one of the best teacher I have ever had till date. She was a delight to be around, she made us laugh, taught us stuff nobody ever bothered to teach us, like 'Manners', 'Eticates', 'The Proper Way To Talk'. She told us that girls aren't evil, they are the angels who will always be by your side whenever you are feeling down, depressed. (Of Course, we didn't even understand what she was saying at that time, but we've now all grown up haven't we? ^_^). 

Following her advises, I excelled at everything, manners, politeness, studies, etc. and at the end, I managed to pass the standard with 92% which were quite low at the time!

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